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«Письменная работа (Английский язык)» - Контрольная работа
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Автор: Strela55
1. Replace the abstracts of the letter in the correct order.
1.2. Translate the final version of the letter into Russian.
Your ref Universal
Ourref NW / lea Books Ltd
Ms M Russell PO Box 379 Jersey
Ashworth Bookshops Ltd Channel Islands
234 Hogden Rd Tel. 01534 - 797201
Bristol BS7 9XS Fax 01534 - 797407
23 July www/universal.net
d. I am writing to introduce two important new books just published by Universal Books Ltd.
e. I look forward to hearing from you.
f. Our second new book is THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF BUSINESS LETTERS, containing 3000 ready-to-use letters. All a business person has to do is choose the letter that they want, make a few small changes and then give it to a secretary to type. It is available in hardback and paperback, and as a special book +CD-R0M pack.
Yours sincerely
N. Westwood
Дорогой МС Расселл
Я пишу, чтобы представить две важные книги, только что изданные в Universal book.
После многих лет исследований мы выпустили ВСЕМИРНУЮ ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЮ, новую важную работу для дома, содержащую информацию по тысячам тем. Он доступен в виде трех томов, в виде сокращенного однотомного издания и в виде мультимедийного компакт-диска.
Наша вторая новая книга – ПОЛНАЯ КОЛЛЕКЦИЯ ДЕЛОВЫХ БУКВ, содержащая 3000 готовых писем. Все что нужно сделать деловому человеку, это выбрать букву, которую он хочет, внести несколько небольших изменений и затем передать ее секретарю для
1.3. Answer the following questions:
а) What is the aim of the letter?
а) This letter was sent to introduce a new book.
b) What new books are offered in this letter?
b) This letter offers two different books. 1st about THE WORLDWIDE ENCYCLOPAEDIA, and 2nd about THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF BUSINESS LETTERS.
c) When will Nigel come to Bristol?
c) Nigel will come to Bristol on Tuesday, August 19th at 11.30 a.m.
d) Are these books useful? Why?
d) These books are very useful. One of them is about encyclopedias and other about business.
2. Read the situation, think it over and do the following tasks: phone to the company and find out when your order
2.1. Imagine that you are working in a trading company.
You have a contract with an American company for the supply of a large batch of meat. Your business partner from New York is calling on the issue of delivery delay of goods to Russia. He explains you that the ship, which is to deliver the order, needs
Complaint letter
According to the agreement, the Supplier, represented by the Cellular Agriculture Society, was to deliever 25,000 tons of meat across the sea in a ship on 06/25/2021. We called them on 06/24/2021 and they said that their ship needs repair and they will deliever the goods in 2 weeks. They didn’t deliever on time. We said that if the goods do not arrive on time, we will incur losses in the amount of 250,000 thousand
2.2. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you agree to change the delivery terms?
1. I will definitely change the terms of the contract. The ship sent by me will cover all expenses.
2. Why is it so important to you not to change the terms?
2. I will change the terms of the contract because they did not deliver the goods on time.
3. Is there a possibility to find the other ship?
3. It takes him
5. I would have eased the situation by sending another boat. Because ittakes time to re-contract with another company.
6. Do you have any other ideas?
6. My idea is to send this other boat. I know from my work experience that it is not easy to cancel a contract, find another contractor to re-contract.
2.3. While making your dialogue you should follow the instructions:
- phone to the supplier company;
- discuss the possibility of accelerating the delivery;
- offer the possible scheme of action, from your point of view (for example a search of another vessel);
- express your confidence in the future cooperation between your companies.
Don’t forget to mention the following issues in your conversation:
- inform that urgent delivery is very important for you (сообщите, что
- Good day Mr Clarc
-Good day
- I call because you will deliver the goods
-I’m terrible sorry for we don’t deliver the goods on time. Because our ship broken down. We tried to repair the ship. But the ship manager said it would take 2 weeks to repair the ship.
- I understood the situation urgent delivery is very important for us. Because if the goods do not arrive our enterprise will suffer. In this case you will require to pay penalty and all the expenses connected with the problems arisen. These long terms of delivery are not acceptable at all.
- I knew the situation. We can’t break the contract we can’t do anything from wait. Because of your company was paid for goods.
Тема: | «Письменная работа (Английский язык)» | |
Раздел: | Иностранные языки | |
Тип: | Контрольная работа | |
Страниц: | 7 | |
Цена: | 200 руб. |
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